Saturday, September 27, 2008

Interpersonal Communication

i am sorry that i cant upload any video about the movie as there are some errors.
However, people who are interested can go
What is love? How individual involved into relationship? Usually people do not know how. To us we just get into relationship by natural or break up as we can not get well together. In this chapter (interpersonal communication), I just learned that actually there are five steps on how we get into a relationship and the five steps on how people break up which is the Knapp Model of Relational Development.

I just re-watched 50 first dates as Ms Hui asked us to watch during the weekend for the communication exam. To me, this movie is quite romantic as the male leading role (Harry) continued to love the girl (Lucy) although she got a symptom that she will forgot everything when she take new information.

This movie can applied the five steps (coming together) exactly, it started as Harry was known as a flirt guy and he did not want to make any promises to the women that he dated which is no commitment and bonding. However, by accidentally he met this girl Lucy in an island when his ship was spoiled, and was attracted by her action (kinesics, body movement)

As he watching her action, he decided to make a move (initiating) by helping her to solve the problem about the “pancake house’s door”. After that they started to have a small talk about what they are working as and so on, which is the stage 2 (experimenting ) in Knapp Model.

Conversely, I believe every relationship have their problem and conflict because we are human being, we are not the same. Each of us has their uniqueness and differences. In this case, Lucy is using stage 9’s method which is avoiding Harry. As she feels that she is the burden for him and wanted to terminate the relationship.

For my personal opinion, this movie was romantic as it was different from what we normally see and it show the stages when we are in a relationship. It also sees that Harry tried hard to win her heart as he was willing to scarify his timing for her. I believed conflict with the partner is the way to strengthen the relationship and get more understanding the personality that the partners have.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Oreo! get a taste of it and start a relationship!

Source: Channel 5 (Oreo Commercial)
Taken from: YouTube

Although it was shown for quite a while but recently I saw it again on Channel 5. As you all know Oreo ads are quite interesting and mostly related to children and parents which I think they are their target audiences.

Let’s watch this video, (I believe most of us watch it before in Singapore)

Basically, this ad is about the relationship of a son and dad (who work oversea). Although they did not have face to face communication but they are using technology like webcam and the Oreo biscuits are act as a connection or link with the two of them.
In the beginning of the ad, the son and the dad are using facial expression and body movements to send a message which are nonverbal communication but in the ending part the son laughed and they said good night to each other these are verbal communication. Through this ad we can see that verbal and nonverbal communications are part of a whole.For the nonverbal communication, they used paralinguistic (silence) and Oculesics (eye contact) to communicate and used Oreo as a physical object to convey the message to the audiences.

Personally, my perception of parent is that we need to listen or imitated them, so-called learning from their experiences but in this ad I found that it was the dad who are trying to imitated his son by following his son eating habits of Oreo. (First, split the Oreo biscuits, second, lick the cream, then close it back and dip inside the milk.)

I think it is the form of exchanging information, which relationship between people and interaction with other people can allow us to exchange our thoughts, ideas, experiences and personal opinions. In this ad it is the son teaching his dad how to eat his favorite biscuits. So, I think exchanging knowledge can be in different ages no matter how old or how young you are. This can be used as a management although the dad is in oversea but then they used webcam to communicate to maintain a relationship (son and father).

However, the main focus of this ad is Oreo cookies; the message of this ad (which I interpret myself) is that the Oreo cookies can link the relationship of people, can be topics that give people to talk about. Have you all notice that Oreo cookies ad always related to parent, kids, dogs and friendship? I think they wanted to focus that this foods are a connection with people.

OK! Shall we eat a piece of Oreo now?

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Perception (What is your idea of perception?)

Source:The New Paper ( Friday, 5 September 2008) without or within beauty

What is your idea of beauty? Inner beauty or external appearance?

This week I came across an article about defining beauty. Basically, this article interview two women who have different views of beauty which one supports on inner beauty and another one supports on external appearance.

For Ms Charmaine Choo, 21, she feels that her external appearance is crucial to her life; she feels that first impressions count the most which is persistence of first impression in communication. To her, she thinks that if you are well-dressed, people will think you have self-discipline which she based on personal construct (psychological). Example that she give for first impression was relationship; she feels that when guys first see you, they don’t care about your character, only your looks which is figure that we focus our attention on. So guys, are it true?

Personally, I feel that we should not base on how the guys looked at us; we should be ourselves and have our own characteristic.
For her, she define beauty is to have silk hair and big eyes with long eye lashes, while I believe the weight/size of the body also count. I believed these selections can be influences by our past experience, environment, social network and mass media. In Ms choo case, her beauty inspirations come from the movies, where she notices what the stars wear and how they are made up and also from people watching at Orchard Road which are all influenced by the environment she lived in and the mass media.

However, some may think inner beauty is more important than physical appearance as beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Ms Lim May Ann, 28; who enter a plain photo (which had no make up and her hair was not styled) to a Beauty Redefined photo competition (where the organizers are looking for creative interpretations of beauty, not the “anorexic” sort, as depicted in movies and fashion magazines), claims that the traditional idea of beauty seen in stick-thin models with long, endless leg and nice body like 36C-cup chest and 19-inch waist which are the perception we have for a long time is ridiculous which I think so too. For Ms Lim, beauty is not what is on the surface, it’s what’s within, as what she said, and “There are different types of beauty. Standards of beauty shift through the years, and in this age where modern society is flatulent with excess, being thin is beauty because it is scare.” which are personal constructs (physical), this are also influenced by the social network. For her, children are beautiful because they are always living in the moment and are always enjoying themselves wholeheartedly.

Additionally, the most important message that this article want to rise was the health issues, it was to let Singaporean realize that a healthy, natural body is a beautiful body. In my opinion, I feel that the problem stems from the images presented in the media as young people are being bombarded every day with digitally-altered photographs and advertising that make them feel that being pretty or handsome are the most important things and this lead to sickness like eating disorders, beauty treatments and depression among women because of negative body image. I believed this is the issue we need to concern about nowadays.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Movie Review on Wall-E

Andrew Stanton, an Academy Award®-winning writer-director had produced a new animation called WALL-e. In this animation, the leading role is the robot Wall-e (short for Waste Allocation Load Lifter Earth-Class) which is programmed to clean up the planet "Earth", where Earth have become a "garbage planet". However, after 700 hundred years of cleaning he developed a personality and curiosity of his own. The second leading role is EVE which is a robot sent to Earth on a classified scanning mission which is to find plant. The content of speech which is logos is interesting because Andrew Stanton had made these robots personalise which they have the ability to think and have emotion.

The show started off with a song to introduce the universe and slowly focused on the Earth and on Wall-e this made all the audiences focused on the big screen. In the beginning, it "robot" languages shown that he was curious on things that can be used and he will keep them in his "home", also when he feel scared he will keep shivering, and he seems to be very lonely. After hundreds of lonely years WALL•E discovers a new purpose in life when he meets a sleek search robot named EVE. Wall-e was attracted to Eve and he tried to impress Eve by making a fake robot; however he felt depressed when she walked away and when Eve was hibernating he shown anxiety. This is the emotion he developed which is pathos in communication.

Additionally, when Eve was hibernating he took care of her and tried all the possibility to wake her up. I feel that this is very touching, this shows that Andrew Staton made the robots to have a caring action and humans like us, we also need to concern other people too.
The style and delivery of the movie, lexis, by the both robots were using nonverbal communication as most of the time they did not speak. Andrew Staton has managed to use actions, and music to bring out the feeling of the robots.

In the later part of the show, Eve found the plant and went back to Axiom (where the entire human lived). In Axiom, humans there used robots to do all the jobs and they just sit on a moving chairs with a screen in front of them which allowed them to communicate to each other and moving around without walking. Communicated by the screen will discourage them to have transactional communication. I think face to face communication were important for human beings if not we will neglect the things that happen around us.

However, beside all these, personally i feel that the most important message that Andrew Staton wanted to send out to the audiences by using this channel (the movie) was that we need to save our earth by applying the 3R method, Reuse, Recycle and Reduce in order not to make Earth become a garbage planet. I feel that this is the most important message for everyone now.

From the movie, we can see that pathos and ethos are used by the two robots and the important message like saving the environment not only can send through medium like newspaper, television and website but also animated movie on the big screen. haha