Saturday, September 20, 2008

Oreo! get a taste of it and start a relationship!

Source: Channel 5 (Oreo Commercial)
Taken from: YouTube

Although it was shown for quite a while but recently I saw it again on Channel 5. As you all know Oreo ads are quite interesting and mostly related to children and parents which I think they are their target audiences.

Let’s watch this video, (I believe most of us watch it before in Singapore)

Basically, this ad is about the relationship of a son and dad (who work oversea). Although they did not have face to face communication but they are using technology like webcam and the Oreo biscuits are act as a connection or link with the two of them.
In the beginning of the ad, the son and the dad are using facial expression and body movements to send a message which are nonverbal communication but in the ending part the son laughed and they said good night to each other these are verbal communication. Through this ad we can see that verbal and nonverbal communications are part of a whole.For the nonverbal communication, they used paralinguistic (silence) and Oculesics (eye contact) to communicate and used Oreo as a physical object to convey the message to the audiences.

Personally, my perception of parent is that we need to listen or imitated them, so-called learning from their experiences but in this ad I found that it was the dad who are trying to imitated his son by following his son eating habits of Oreo. (First, split the Oreo biscuits, second, lick the cream, then close it back and dip inside the milk.)

I think it is the form of exchanging information, which relationship between people and interaction with other people can allow us to exchange our thoughts, ideas, experiences and personal opinions. In this ad it is the son teaching his dad how to eat his favorite biscuits. So, I think exchanging knowledge can be in different ages no matter how old or how young you are. This can be used as a management although the dad is in oversea but then they used webcam to communicate to maintain a relationship (son and father).

However, the main focus of this ad is Oreo cookies; the message of this ad (which I interpret myself) is that the Oreo cookies can link the relationship of people, can be topics that give people to talk about. Have you all notice that Oreo cookies ad always related to parent, kids, dogs and friendship? I think they wanted to focus that this foods are a connection with people.

OK! Shall we eat a piece of Oreo now?


Blogger fen said...


I guess this commercial showed that nonverbal communication is a important part of our daily life. Most parents would think that the only way to understand their childrens is to sit down and talk with them. However, they had forgotten that by sharing something similar would strengten their relationship as well. The relationship between a parent and a child could be maintained by sharing common activities etc. In this case, the sharing of Oreo!

BUT Oreo makes your teeth look sooo blackish! Haha.

September 20, 2008 at 10:36 PM  
Blogger diet whipped cream said...

this is a very warm-hearted commercial. the chemistry that the 'son' and the 'father' shared in the scene was so strong that it brings out the "aww..." in me, and i believe most viewers.

in our bustling modern society, it's almost impossible for us to find time for our family and loved ones. this commercial shines a glimmer of hope on busy working parents who understands the need for some bonding with their children.

September 22, 2008 at 8:12 PM  
Blogger JANICECHIAN said...

aww. i think this ad is really sweet. i actually have not seen it before. my my, its time i start watching more tv.

i think that there is this nonverbal way of the father and son 'communicating' their love through the webcam and oreos. like you said, to show their connection. and also, possibly their similarity and their love for it (and well, each other?)

=) lets eat oreos in school tomorrow!

September 22, 2008 at 9:22 PM  
Blogger Fern Ru said...

I think that this advertisement has effectively brought the message that people can communicate via webcam when they are physically far apart from one another effectively. I agree that the use of technology has enabled us to carry out communication regardless of where we are.

September 22, 2008 at 9:49 PM  

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