Sunday, September 14, 2008

Perception (What is your idea of perception?)

Source:The New Paper ( Friday, 5 September 2008) without or within beauty

What is your idea of beauty? Inner beauty or external appearance?

This week I came across an article about defining beauty. Basically, this article interview two women who have different views of beauty which one supports on inner beauty and another one supports on external appearance.

For Ms Charmaine Choo, 21, she feels that her external appearance is crucial to her life; she feels that first impressions count the most which is persistence of first impression in communication. To her, she thinks that if you are well-dressed, people will think you have self-discipline which she based on personal construct (psychological). Example that she give for first impression was relationship; she feels that when guys first see you, they don’t care about your character, only your looks which is figure that we focus our attention on. So guys, are it true?

Personally, I feel that we should not base on how the guys looked at us; we should be ourselves and have our own characteristic.
For her, she define beauty is to have silk hair and big eyes with long eye lashes, while I believe the weight/size of the body also count. I believed these selections can be influences by our past experience, environment, social network and mass media. In Ms choo case, her beauty inspirations come from the movies, where she notices what the stars wear and how they are made up and also from people watching at Orchard Road which are all influenced by the environment she lived in and the mass media.

However, some may think inner beauty is more important than physical appearance as beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Ms Lim May Ann, 28; who enter a plain photo (which had no make up and her hair was not styled) to a Beauty Redefined photo competition (where the organizers are looking for creative interpretations of beauty, not the “anorexic” sort, as depicted in movies and fashion magazines), claims that the traditional idea of beauty seen in stick-thin models with long, endless leg and nice body like 36C-cup chest and 19-inch waist which are the perception we have for a long time is ridiculous which I think so too. For Ms Lim, beauty is not what is on the surface, it’s what’s within, as what she said, and “There are different types of beauty. Standards of beauty shift through the years, and in this age where modern society is flatulent with excess, being thin is beauty because it is scare.” which are personal constructs (physical), this are also influenced by the social network. For her, children are beautiful because they are always living in the moment and are always enjoying themselves wholeheartedly.

Additionally, the most important message that this article want to rise was the health issues, it was to let Singaporean realize that a healthy, natural body is a beautiful body. In my opinion, I feel that the problem stems from the images presented in the media as young people are being bombarded every day with digitally-altered photographs and advertising that make them feel that being pretty or handsome are the most important things and this lead to sickness like eating disorders, beauty treatments and depression among women because of negative body image. I believed this is the issue we need to concern about nowadays.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally agree that ones' health is the most important beauty, in fact, not only phsyical health, but mental health as well.
External appearance is important for it gives the first impression, but without good health, it is noting more than just a shell.

However, everyone is entitled to their own view about issues. :)

September 17, 2008 at 10:43 PM  
Blogger Splikik said...

I guess women are really pressured to "look good" since they're often judged harshly by their exterior appearance. Of course beauty isn't just skin deep. But can you blame women for obsessing over the perfect skin, face, chest, butt, etc? Society puts such emphasis and pressure for women to be exteriorly "perfect". It's hard to resist such social influence.

I'm sure at times you would've broke out with remarks like wishing you were slimmer or had silky hair, etc. Which is really a common rant among women. It makes it worse when men also expect such ridiculous expectations from women, hourglass figure long silky hair, porcelain face...

Trophy wife anyone?

September 19, 2008 at 1:09 AM  
Blogger Emil said...

Yes, and everyday we are bombarded with ads featuring good looking people.

It is inevitable that we think that good looks are important. We are brought up in society thinking that good looks is important.

Even fairy tales promote the importance of good looks. I cannot recall a heroine who was not good looking or a villain who is ugly.

Although this is a problem which should be addressed, we have a long ways to correct this. Of course, beauty is ONLY skin deep, but we are automatically tend to place more emphasis on looks.

This is because the first impressions are the biggest impact in forming a personal construct about a person. Obviously, the 1st impression would be looks.

Unfortunately, to change this perception of looks will require a change in our human natures. From an evolutionary standpoint, the reason people would rather marry a person with good looks is because good looks is a sign of good genes. Thus, this ensures your offspring will inherit those good genes. I am not sure about this though.....

Of course, this works against those of us who do not score really well in the looks department. Thus, we have to overcome this disadvantage.

As for the question directed to us guys, I will say that I find the question a bit unfair. I am sure that girls are as very much susceptible to good looks as guys. I have yet to meet a girl who is NOT concerned about a guys looks, and vice versa. Therefore, that question should be open to both genders.

September 20, 2008 at 3:42 PM  
Blogger diet whipped cream said...

"beauty is in the eye of the beholder" this statement holds a certain degree of truth.
being a guy myself, i can vouch for the fact that guys do not swarm for girls with the same physical traits.
no, not all guys go for the long legs. no, not all guys r into boobies. and no, not all guys r into aneroxic girls. most importantly, we're intellectual beings too. throw us a stereotypically hot female with virtually no IQ, we'll squirm with disgust too.

September 22, 2008 at 8:48 PM  
Blogger lplynnyap said...

I feel that inner and external beauty is a chicken and egg thing. You may be beautiful from the outer appearance but once your "ugly" personality is revealed, you are considered not a beauty anymore. For inner beauty, you may have high EQ and IQ but it is your outer appearance that out people off which makes you even off putting. It is best to have a balance of both. Beauty isnt everything, we have to cultivate a outgoing personality and someone whom is easy to get along with.

I feel that beauty is not important, whats more important as compared to that is self grooming. As long u look presentable,have a certain degree of knowlegde you are already considered acceptable =) We dont have to go to the extreme case of being having a "good" figure which looks like a skeleton, big eyes that are going to pop out anytime, silky hair that even the rain droplets can stick on it. hahahaaa. hope this sentence make everyone feel better about themselves. IT IS the SELF CONFIDENCE, girls!

Carry yourselves in a presentable way, being confident, and FELL GOOD about yourselves. You dont have t care how the society or males who look at you. JUST BE YOURSELF. FEEL GOOD and u will look good. thats the key (:

October 22, 2008 at 1:37 PM  

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